THERE ARE FEW things better than getting engaged to your beloved.
But having Celine Dion standing right beside you as it happens is definitely one of them.
Over the weekend, Celine Dion superfan Austin McMillan was in Las Vegas with her boyfriend Nick Janevski. Cosmopolitan reports that Janevski pulled a few strings to land two backstage passes to meet the singer.
During their meeting, Janevski surprised both women by getting down on one knee and proposing to McMillan.
As you can see, nobody was more shocked than Celine Dion.
Oh my God, is he actually doing this?
McMillan shared the photos on Instagram and wrote, “When @celinedion is just as shocked as you are at your PROPOSAL.”
Once she got over the shock of the proposal, Dion posed for more photos with the couple. After all, it’s totally acceptable to have Celine Dion photobomb your proposal photos.
@celinedion is about the only person i wouldn’t mind photobombing the pictures of our proposal. I’m still floating around in the clouds over here feeling like it’s a dream!! my heart is so happy!! what a dream come true
Look at her face! What a treasure.